Year: 2016 | Month: June | Volume 4 | Issue 1

Bioinformatics analysis and modelling of mycotoxin patulin induced proteins



A comparative in silico characterization of the patulin induced proteins has been carried out to analyze their physico-chemical, secondary structural and functional properties. The amino acid composition of patulin induced proteins obtained from biological databases. The composition of leucine, alanine, glycine and proline was high while low concentrations of glutamic acid and histidine residues were seen when compared to other aminoacids. The number of negative and positively charges are comparatively similar. pI value of Hyp was the highest when compared to the other two patulin induced proteins. The instability index of all the proteins was more than 40 showing that all of them are unstable. Aliphatic index shows the “relative volume of protein occupied by aliphatic side chains” which was found to be within a range of 65 to 100. Flr1P is transmembrane in nature while the other two are soluble proteins.

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